jq to the rescue

JQ is a really good tool when you have lot of JSON and you just interested in some of that data.

Only see some attributes

Imagine you have a JSON like this, and you only want to see the “name” attribute

(extract specific attributes from a json array with objects, from array to array)

the JQ query would then be something like this

[.[] | { “email” : .email } ]

and that would give you the following output

You can use jqpplay, JQ Kung Fu and other online alternatives to try it out, and ofcourse the command line ‘jq’ command.

Just a list of strings for one “column” / attribute

If you want to just create an array of strings, then you try this jq query

[.[] | .email ]

Which would give you the following


You will the following output with lots of quotes

That is not so nice, so to avoid the quotes then use the “Raw Output” function
then the output will look like this

Much better 🙂

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