UDF/User Defined Functions in Cassandra 3.x

I was just playing around with Cassandra WRITETIME and thought it was somewhat difficult to figure out the date / timestamp of a number like this (microseconds since EPOC) 1470645914253000.

So in my example it looked like this

So I figured why not create a UDF that would solve this for me

That turned out to be a little bit of a challenge …

I thought that I could do like this


There are several WRONGS in here it turns out

  1. First off you have to turn on
    enable_user_defined_functions: true
    in the conf/cassandra.yaml file
  2. All classes has to be fully qualified, so Date would be java.util.Date, and so on…
  3. The division operator ‘/’ can not be used !!! however +,- and * works fine. surely this must be a bug … this called for some thinking…

The error I got when trying to use the code above without fully qualified names was

And the reason, if I got it right, is that you can not do imports.

The error I got when trying to use the division ‘/’ operator was this:

The code that works looks like this, using java.math.BigDecimal to solve it was perhaps a so-so solution, but it works:

So now my output in cqlsh.sh looks like this now

That is a lot better !

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